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Top 7 things a man should know about masculine frame by Jerr Rrej
By Jerr Rrej Emotions can be controlled. A man may hear about…
3 things anyone can do to get rich by ChatGPT
Written by ChatGPT There are many ways to become wealthy, and the…
How a man finds his purpose by Jerr Rrej
By Jerr Rrej, Think about the self as a circle of water.…
RISE ABOVE EMOTIONS – The SECRET in “To be a man is to bear the responsibility of all things”
By Jerr Rrej, My philosophy of "To be a man is to…
The psychology of SOY FACE explained by Jerr Rrej
By Jerr Rrej, When a man first discovers the masculine side of…
Why women shit test men – Jerr Rrej
By Jerr Rrej, If a man knows women, he will know that…
9 Red flags to look for in women by Jerr Rrej
By Jerr Rrej, The signs are there but most overlook them. A…
How to carry frame around men by Jerr Rrej
By Jerr Rrej A man who is practicing frame will notice that…
Why a man is his own worst enemy in romance – Jerr Rrej
By Jerr Rrej A man who is practicing frame will notice that…
Once a woman loses respect in a relationship
By Jerr Rrej There are many reasons why a woman can lose…